Sunday, 30 September 2012

My Post for the Davies Family...

So far, I have seen six mullets.

Still counting...
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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

My Rant...

Mother says this is a good place to document all the not-so-great parts of studying here; so here goes: What kind of an international office only opens from 11-13:30, Monday to Thursday?! How is that going to help anyone? And also, whilst they're at it, give us a young Spanish girl who doesn't really want to speak any slower or try and make it easier for us foreign students to understand - and sure, go ahead and make a mistake on my Certificate of Arrival, I only need it to receive my Erasmus grant after all. And yes I know a siesta is traditional and oh so authentic but must everything close at lunchtime?

Being a (reasonably) organised person I also really would have liked to have had my classes sorted before I arrived at the University, but that would be silly. So trawling through the dense, and in some parts out-of-date website, I eventually found the page with the information for my intended course. Ok - that module looks good...(scrolling down the page, scroll, scroll, scroll) ooh that one looks fun! Oh no wait, can't do that - it's a year long...(scroll, scroll, scroll) well, yes, ok beginner's French could be good for me...(scroll, scroll, scroll...end of page). Fab, plenty of choice. 

So having eventually found some other modules which appeared on the course programme but not in the timetable, I proceeded to ask unhelpful Spanish girl where I could find these classes. Naive little me - she tells me that as they don't appear to have been assigned a time, classroom or teacher, they probably aren't happening and that I should just look for something else - there's bound to be something similar. How can a university have a subject floating around in academic cyberspace that belongs to no teacher?! NO COMPRENDO.

On the plus side, look at my new slippers.

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Friday, 21 September 2012

My First Cup of Tea...

We have no kettle and no teapot - a travesty for myself, tea's number one fan. I have been searching for one but apparently the Spanish have absolutely no taste in hot beverages and so do not sell them! I gave in yesterday and used a saucepan - so old-fashioned. Oh my it was wonderful. Nothing beats a good old cup of Early Grey.

I also visited my first Spanish club - Babylonia - and you know what? It wasn't bad! I very much enjoyed myself. Especially when they came to hand out the fruit skewers and lollipops! I would happily suggest this refreshing scheme to some of England's dingier establishments.

I start classes on Monday, not that the University knows or cares anything about it. Turns out I don't have to officially register my classes until the 8th of October and so can just try out classes until then! On one hand it seems like a good idea, but I think it could just be a cover up for the university being lazy and thoroughly disorganised. Ah well, perhaps I'll try out a few classes in medicine and try to shake things up a bit. I'm sure I can handle a scalpel.

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Tuesday, 18 September 2012

My Arrival...

 Ok, so Doctor Who didn't take up that much time - I've actually been busy! I arrived last Friday, Ma left on Sunday and I am completely unpacked in my gorgeous double room. 

Hopefully won't be needing the duffel coat for a long while.

I like it a lot. As is typically European/my bad luck, I have a fine view of a brick wall from my window; but, just over the road is the lovely Parque Juan Carlos I.

Whilst Mum was still here, we indulged in one of my favourite Spanish traditions: churros con chocolate. They're essentially the reason I came to Spain. If you haven't ever had them, they are fried dough-pastry (like  a long doughnut) with a deliciously thick and horribly bad for you chocolate drink that you dip the churros into.

Mum wonderfully demonstrates dunking her churros.

After our churros, on the day of Mum's departure, we decided to try and find 'La Mezquita' which is a famous, ancient Mosque in Córdoba. We underestimated timings and overestimated my map-reading skills so only got to see a little of it, but what we did see was beautiful.

The bell tower that surrounds the minaret.

Yesterday, I went to the University to register my arrival. The Faculty of Humanities is nestled in some of the winding, residential streets just a few minutes away from my apartment. Perfecto!


I had to queue for a good 40 minutes to have a form filled in and to be told that I should come back on Wednesday to collect it - the guy with the all important stamp wasn't there. Things don't run quite so smoothly in Spain as they do in Britain. Everything is "mañana, mañana". 

Tonight will be my first trip out - out out - for an Erasmus party. Everything in Spain works a lot later, so I'll probably be returning to my comfy bed a lot later in the mañana!

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Sunday, 16 September 2012

My Mummy Left Me...

Well this is it. Abandoned in foreign lands. The people chatter away in a strange tongue. The sun beats down like it never has on this pale English skin. And worst of all my brother has just welcomed an ADORABLE little puppy into his home - rubbing salt in the wound. 

Now, you may be saying, "why are you complaining? You're in SPAIN for a whole year, with AMAZING weather, new, exciting people to meet, so much to do, see and learn!" And you know what, you are right. This is the biggest, best opportunity I will probably get in my life and so I will embrace it. Right after I've watched Doctor Who.
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Friday, 14 September 2012

My Summer...

My summer has been divine.
I am writing this moments before setting off on my Spanish adventure, the mariposas are kicking in (look it up), and looking back I can't believe how lucky I've been these past few months. 
In June, post exams stress, I decided that this was the summer of opportunity and that my new favourite word would be "Yes!" 

I began with a much-too-fun-this-shouldn't-be-allowed holiday in France with the wonderful P. Samler and chums.

Turns out human pyramids are quite hard.

Could be the start of a fun new sit-com?
There's something so glorious about doing absolutely bugger all in the South of France. Although the amount of dancing (and stripping) that went on in the evenings certainly made up for our lack of activity during the day.

In late July I bade a fond farewell to my teenage years and celebrated with a group of the best and FAR too much food. Just how I like it.

As always, I had made a deal with the Gods and the sun shone down on us all day. We had cake and champagne, chatted away and laughed at the man, grounded by a cyclist who had managed to drive straight into his goolies. What joy.

My beautiful best friend Sarah returned from her year in France with a cracker of a birthday present for me: a trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour. Those of you who know me will realise just how special this was for me - Harry Potter fan numero uno here. If you haven't been and you are a fan - silly you. Go - it's a fab day out.
I quite enjoyed the butterbeer.

Later in August the jet-setter in me beckoned again and I flew with Sarah and our mums (Girls on Tour) to Rome. I had never visited Italy before and decided to dive in at the tourist deep-end. It is such a beautiful city and makes you feel as though you're on a film set; every corner you turn there is another grand, historical building.

You know when you've had two incredible holidays and you think, what I could really do with is another holiday. So, with this in mind, I popped back over to the South of France to be met with pure luxury. Chez Samler is one hundred times better with parents involved. We were treated to  delicious meal after delicious meal and even dancing lessons! 

Strictly, here we come.

Before I left, my AMAZING friends threw me a Spanish surprise party one evening -complete with Sangria and paella. 

The flags, the alcohol and plenty of "Ole"-ing definitely got me in the mood for a little Spanish sun.

And what better way to prepare for an entire year abroad studying...then by going to Bestival. Maybe not? Oh well. Four days of shining sun, fantastic music and a whole lot of glitter. Bliss.

Before you ask, yes it does bring all the boys to the yard.

Any festival that lets you dress up as a multicoloured tropical bird and dance about like a loon to Stevie Wonder is fine by me.

And here ends my summer of fun.

Onto the next chapter...

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Thursday, 13 September 2012

My First Post...

I have made the decision to venture into the blogosphere in order to document my Year Abroad in Spain. In time I hope my blog will turn into a form of diary, document of life, overspill of emotions or such like. 

From here on in I should not be held responsible for the content below. Read at your peril. If you find me tiresome, go elsewhere, but I'd rather you stayed to read and just tried to smile a bit.

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