Friday, 21 September 2012

My First Cup of Tea...

We have no kettle and no teapot - a travesty for myself, tea's number one fan. I have been searching for one but apparently the Spanish have absolutely no taste in hot beverages and so do not sell them! I gave in yesterday and used a saucepan - so old-fashioned. Oh my it was wonderful. Nothing beats a good old cup of Early Grey.

I also visited my first Spanish club - Babylonia - and you know what? It wasn't bad! I very much enjoyed myself. Especially when they came to hand out the fruit skewers and lollipops! I would happily suggest this refreshing scheme to some of England's dingier establishments.

I start classes on Monday, not that the University knows or cares anything about it. Turns out I don't have to officially register my classes until the 8th of October and so can just try out classes until then! On one hand it seems like a good idea, but I think it could just be a cover up for the university being lazy and thoroughly disorganised. Ah well, perhaps I'll try out a few classes in medicine and try to shake things up a bit. I'm sure I can handle a scalpel.

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