Sunday, 7 October 2012

My Day Out...

  I've been away for a while, my apologies. I've genuinely actually really been doing things!

I think I've finally decided which subjects I will take at the University which is good as I have to register this week. I will be taking post-WWII English Literature (and no, that's not cheating), Themes and Forms of Spanish Theatre and Psycholinguistics.
It is quite liberating being able to choose whatever I want, but it has made it quite difficult too. Psycholinguistics is something I never would have chosen before and so I'm really glad I get to try it out here. 
Although I do feel a little naughty, I am looking forward to the English Lit class because we will be studying all the famous "classic" British writers - C.S. Lewis, Woolf, Tolkien, Plath, McEwan - the list goes on. And I also enjoy the lecturer saying things like "huge" instead of "Hugh", simple pleasures.

This weekend my fellow Brit, Sinéad, and I agreed we should be a little more cultural and a little less student-y and we set off to explore some of the historical sites in Córdoba. 

 Our first stop was the "Museo de la inquisición" - a small museum which featured the torture devices used by the Spanish Inquisition. If you're of a nervous disposition, look away now.

I would describe most of them as a cross between something you'd find in the London Dungeons, and Fifty Shades of Grey - not for the faint-hearted.

"Iron Maiden" - this very much resembled the chokey
from Matilda, but slightly more deadly.

A chastity belt - with teeth to discourage any intruders!

The most hideous contraption I have laid eyes upon.

Took me a while to get these images out of my head, but interesting nonetheless.

We then tottered along to the "Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos" - essentially a fortress where Isabella and Ferdinand once resided. I believe the Spanish Inquisition paid a few visits too...

Ignoring the possible tortures that could have occurred there, it really was the most beautiful place. 

Sinéad and I decided we could have our 21sts/wedding receptions here.
Not sure how much it would cost to rent out an ancient Spanish palace though...

Feeling a little more knowledgeable about our new home we set off with a growing list of other places to visit. This weekend made me realise how lucky we are: we have a whole world of culture right on our doorsteps and so much time to experience it all. 

With the glorious sunshine, the magnificent buildings and the history and culture pouring out of every street, I can't help but feel like I'm just on an extended holiday!

¡Qué suerte!

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