Thursday, 25 April 2013

My Three Amigos(as)...

Having friends is nice. Having friends who visit you at uni is really nice. Having friends who tear themselves away from the joys of revision and fly out to Barcelona to see you is BLOODY NICE.

Here they are REALLY TINY.
 I won't bore you with a "we went here and we did this" post as they can become tiresome; but I can say, we went places and we did fun things. And it was just glorious.


We ate some good food...

...including burgers that weighed the same as a baby elephant.

And the Spanish lifestyle was a bit tiring for some...
I really had to pinch myself multiple times whilst they were out here - my three crackers Eddy, Aimée and Millie - as it did just seem too good to be true. If only life could forever be four pals in a city as fab as Barcelona. 

Going on a year abroad has been a big old rollercoaster of emotions, events, places and people, and so essentially, the only thing that stays constant are your friends and family back home. As horrible as it is that I've now fallen into the cliché trap, I have to say, it really does make you appreciate just how lucky you are to have great people in your life.

And what's even better is being able to show off how wonderful your new adopted home is. It makes something twice as good when you share it, does it not?

Better still, being able to revert to my primal state of weirdness was just bliss. After all, we really bring it out of each other...

Sorry girls, had to be done.

So, short though this post may be, it is really just to say a big ol' gracias to the gals for coming out to visit and a reminder to all those currently year-abroading that we are pretty damn lucky.
Thanks Erasmus.

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